Saturday, March 28, 2009

Banishing Ritual and Magical Fire Shapes

We held a Banishing Ritual recently. The purpose is to remove all unwanted energies, and to change things for the better.We wrote our desires on papers, then, stating them out loud, burned them.
While the ceremony continued, we saw lovely and unusual shapes in the fire, which danced in wild magical shapes to the music.
There appeared many orbs around us. Several were seen directly above the fire.
The ceremony went well.
Posted by Alma Carey


  1. First - Great blog! Looks great! A place to post daily encounters that may not warrant an entire published monograph is something you really needed! (Not everyone has daily encounters but for a special select few, including you, this is a fantastic idea!)

    Those fire shapes are amazing! Especially that 4th one down - a wolf's head? a dragon? But to my eye your most impressive orb is within that shape - a giant ball of red-orange - almost looks like a hand holding it and presenting it up to your group!

    Can on orb coming out of fire be up to any good?

    I'm not sure about the other more typical orbs, though. That they appear mostly above and around the flames seems more like it could be water droplets in steam being released by whatever you were burning.

    To prove me wrong, it would be nice to know the pixel resolution of the camera and I wish you could find some shots where the orbs aren't exactly in line with the smoke that's also rising from the fire and blowing around.

    Also do you recall what you were burning?

  2. Hi, Eponymous, I finally figured out how to get to this window of the blog/comments site & found your comment!
    I don't know from pixels.
    We were burning tampons, and paper with what we wanted gone and banished written on it. The fire pit was created with cinder blocks on cement. It was a cool clear night with no clouds, no rain, no liquids.
