Sunday, May 29, 2011

The Hollywood Museum Schedules Marilyn Monroe Seance on Aug. 5. | Entertainment & Arts Museums, Parks, Gardens & Historical Sites from

The Hollywood Museum Schedules Marilyn Monroe Seance on Aug. 5. | Entertainment & Arts Museums, Parks, Gardens & Historical Sites from
Marilyn Monroe seance held at The Hollywood Museum on Aug. 3, 2004.
Alma Carey led the Marilyn Monroe seance on the 42nd anniversary of her death in the basement of the Hollywood Museum. The write up can be accessed by typing in this data.
The Hollywood Museum had recently received the furniture that had been in the last known residence of the Hollywood star, the furniture that was there at the time of her death.
Alma Carey included 10 members of her Paranormal Studies and Investigations team to participate in the investigation and seance.
They began by arriving at 5PM. Each member of the PSI team slowly walked throughout the museum, noting their psychic perceptions, taking photos, videos, and audio recordings. They carefully went throughout the entire building, noting exactly where they perceived the "hot spots". That would be an area of heightened psychic activity. Special attention was given to the new furniture belonging to Marilyn Monroe. At the official beginning of the seance each member said what they had personally experienced while doing the tour.
In order for the video to make it to the TV network in time to broadcast, they needed to cut short their descriptions regarding their experiences. Each member privately mentioned that there was a great deal more that they had experienced throughout the building than they had a chance to mention.
For the special event this evening, there was a lovely Marilyn Monroe look alike who had been scripted in to appear towards the end of the seance. This lovely gal told Alma that she had immediately begun having dreams and visions about Marilyn the night before. Alma had experienced the same thing herself.
They talked it over between themselves and realized they had each experienced the same visions and emotions.
Each one had psychically seen through Marilyn's ghostly memory what had really happened on the night she died: the sleeping pills had been an accidental overdose, mixed with alcohol. She had been on the telephone with some of the Kennedy family when she went into a coma. The Kennedy's sent people over there to survey and assess the situation. As Marilyn's spirit hovered above her comatose body she was able to perceive what was going on around her. There were many people in the room. She was still alive. It was a conscious decision to "let things develop", which meant to not try to revive Marilyn, but to let her slowly stop breathing. This took a while, until finally she stopped breathing and her heart stopped. It was a peaceful death. But the most terrible thing about it was that she knew they had chosen to simply let her go.
Since she had suffered an entire life of being neglected and unloved, this knowledge came as the final blow, causing her an extremely deep and profound sadness.
Both the Marilyn Monroe look alike and Alma had the most difficult time not bursting into tears, exhibiting this grief that they were both, in fact, channeling during the entire investigation and seance.
The Hollywood Museum took its toll on several of the PSI team members as well, since the museum itself is incredibly haunted.
An item of clothing was lost, then discovered a week later in a stairwell. That team member had not been anywhere near that stairwell.
Several other personal items were misplaced, only to appear weeks later in different parts of the museum.
The seance itself was held in the museum's basement, where the set for Hannibal Lecter's cell in "Silence of the Lambs" has been rebuilt.